There is a warm breeze blowing today and the temperature has reached -4 Celsius. This a luxurious break after a week when the temperatures were running below -30.
Although the days have been filled with brittle cold we have been given signs that winter will be moving on. For the past two weeks we have been host to large flocks of bohemian wax wings. They love the berries that grow on our saskatoon berry, sand cherry, pin cherry, sour cherry and elder bushes. The waxwings prefer their delicacies freeze-dried it seems. The older and darker the fruit, the happier they are to consume it. Despite the sophisticated masks, this contingent of feathered creatures wear, they are more mischievous than mysterious.
The elegant athletes of Cirque du Soleil would be envious of the way these silk and velvet bohemians move through the air and pattern the blue spring skies. The rrapturous visual fantasy is however given an edge by their twittering conversations. So much to say and so little time to say it.....
These acreage guests are a curious lot. All week I have been lugging junk items out to the truck to take to the dump. Every time I struggle out the door with another load they gather in gleeful gales and swirl above my head. They are delighted by the entertainment I provide and return the favor by breaking off in ballet troupes each dancing skyward to a different symphony.
Rob is as enchanted by these lovely birds as I. The pictures you see in today's blog are a small sampling of the shots he took while waiting for supper one evening. It was actually amusing to watch them settle themselves for their portraits. It is evident that they are a little vain, but then when you look so fine can blame you.
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